NE/24/00230/FUL | Conversion of redundant barn to residential dwelling (Use Class C3). | Home Farm Buildings Lower Street Twywell NN14 3AH
Please click 'here' to be redirected to the application.
Cllrs were consulted via email through the clerk - the council made the decision of 'Recommend Approval (Support) ' for the planning application NE/24/00230/FUL
North Northants issued the decision notice to the clerk on 30.05.2024. It was a notice of refusal. To view the REFUSAL NOTICE, please click 'here'
NE/24/00235/LBC | External structural repairs and new roof, along with internal repair/alterations to facilitate bringing the bathroom indoors and associated works as per submitted Schedule of works and Design and Access statement | 2 Home Farm Cottages Lower Street Twywell NN14 3AH
Please click 'here' to be redirected to the application.
Cllrs were consulted via email through the clerk - the council made the decision of 'Recommend Approval (Support) '' for the planning application NE/24/00235/LBC
North Northants issued the decision notice to the clerk on 30.05.2024. It was a notice of refusal. To view the REFUSAL NOTICE, please click 'here'